Saturday, July 25, 2009

5 Yoga Yamas: Satya: Truthfulness

The Yoga Sutra holds truth among the highest of ideals.
Many interpretations promise that once you’re fully vested in satya, everything you say will come to be realized.

But be careful not to confuse our point of view with the truth.

You have to have integrity and humility t realize that the truth may be bigger than you.

In each moment, you must ask yourself: Am I speaking the truth? Am I just giving my opinion, filtered through my mind and all my prejudices?

Satya requires that you consider both the spoken and unspoken aspects of your words. You don’t want to mislead through omission; neither do you have to say everything that’s on your mind – especially if it’s hurtful.

Don’t gossip, even if the information you’re giving is true, instead, speak only of the highest. Use your words to elevate the listener. When you do so, you elevate yourself in the process.

Many spiritual seekers find that spending time in silence helps them notice the distinction between opinions and reality. Slowing down your internal chatter can help ground you in Satya.

Silence is discrimination restraint; you are able to examine the roots of speech on an inner level, which enables you to better control your gross outward communications. You then establish a way of interacting with the world that includes both ahimsa and satya, both peacefulness and truthfulness.

Yoga Sutra 3: Progressing (Vibhuti Pada)

Presenting the last 3 of the 8 rungs of yoga, which are concentration, meditation, and samadhi, collectively known as samyama. The rest of the chapter explains how samyama is used as the finer tool to remove the subtler veils of ignorance

Yoga Sutra 2: Practices (Sadhana Pada)

Specific tools of attention that are used to systematically carve out, or cut away the obstacles of the inner mental shield that is blocking the light of the Self within. This includes the first 5 of the 8 rungs of yoga, known as ashtanga yoga.

Yoga Sutra: Concentration (Samadhi Pada)

Concentration. Describes yoga, witnessing five kinds of thoughts, uncoloring thoughts, the twin principles of practice and non-attachment, the stages of concentration, efforts and commitments, obstacles and solutions, and means and results of stabilizing the mind.